long drink dawn

Long Island

5 ml wódki, 15 ml ginu, 15 ml białego rumu, 15 ml likieru Cointreau, 30 ml soku z cytryny, 1 łyżeczka cukru, kostka lodu, schłodzona coca-cola do dopełnienia Wszystkie składniki (oprócz coli) łączymy w shakerze i energicznie potrząsamy. Wlewamy drinka do wysokiej szklanki i dopełniamy colą. wódka

Long Island

15 ml wódki, 15 ml ginu, 15 ml białego rumu, 15 ml likieru Cointreau, 30 ml soku z cytryny, 1 łyżeczka cukru, kostka lodu, schłodzona coca-cola do dopełnienia Wszystkie składniki (oprócz coli) łączymy w shakerze i energicznie potrząsamy. Wlewamy drinka do wysokiej szklanki i dopełniamy colą. wódka

Drink Tom Collins

60 ml ginu,30 ml świeżo wyciśniętego soku z cytryny,10 ml syropu cukrowego,120 ml zimnej wody sodowej,plasterek pomarańczy,cytryny i wisienka koktajlowa do dekoracji Wstrząśnij w shakerze gin, sok z cytryny i syrop cukrowy, następnie przelej do wysokiej schłodzonej szklanki typu long drink

Pina Colada Malibu

30 ml Malibu, 20 ml Havana Club 7, 30 ml sok ananasowy, 25 ml mleczko kokosowe, 3 kawałki ananasa, Składniki wlać do blendera i dodać kruszonego lodu, zmiksować. Uwaga: Zbyt duża ilość lodu w blenderze może przytłumić. kremowy charakter tego koktajlu. Szklanka typu long drink. Dekoracja

Brudny Harry

100 ml whisky (polecam Johnnie Walker Red Label),100 ml wytrawnego wermutu (polecam Martini Extra Dry),100 ml toniku (polecam Schweppes) Do większej szklanki do long drinków (300ml) wrzucamy 3-4 kostki lodu, zalewamy kolejno 100ml whisky, 100ml martini i dopełniamy tonikiem. whisky;

Cytaty z Twilight

moje ulubione : You're impossibly fast.. and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color, and sometimes you speak like..like, you're from different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight. How old are you? Edward: 17. Bella: How long have you

Re: With or without you

're mine But you don't know You don't even know that I am here I wish that I was in your arms Like that Spanish guitar And you would play me through the night 'Till the dawn I wish you'd hold me in your arms Like that Spanish guitar All night long, all night long I'd be your song, I

Re: Rubaiyat Poezja - ciag dalszy

. Said, release my hair, instead take my lips, Let go of long life, with good times swing. 23 From warriors learn courage, And wisdom from the sage. If you truly seek God’s grace, Ride with the heavenly carriage. 24 At dawn your eyes from Jupiter learn O God, may

Re: środa, 30 maja 2012, CWP

Whenever the news stories get me down I take a drink of freedom to think of North America from toe to crown It's never long before I know just why I belong here Ooh, soldier blue, soldier blue Can't you see that there's another way to love her? Soldier blue, soldier blue Can't you see that there

Re: Sprawa Barbary Ubrk - ciekawostka z XIX wieku

felt very stiff in my limbs, and had a dreadful pain in my back and loins. I thought I must have been asleep for a very long time, yet I saw not the expected daylight; so, not feeling sleepy any more. I sat up and awaited the coming of the dawn. Hour after hour passed away, yet still my dungeon was

reporter nytimes w lizbonie

. Just to the left was the tomb of Vasco da Gama, who had sailed from Lisbon to India at the dawn of the 16th century. Above the tomb lay his statue, hands clasped, a garland of fresh flowers below his heavily bearded chin. He looked, I thought, like someone I'd want to have a drink with

...the gates of the heaven are opened....

in the month-long fast; abstaining from food, drink, smoking and other sensual pleasures from before the break of dawn to sunset. Fasting is compulsory upon every able Muslim past the age of puberty and upon those who are mentally and physically fit. By fasting, Muslims are adhering to

The Road to Extinction.....

2001: A Space Odissey Arthur C. Clarke Foreword Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living. Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet Earth. Now this