Gość portalu: Atheist napisał(a):
> Dzięki bogu, jeszcze nam nie wciskają opakowań typu bag-in-box...
-- są na rynku już od dawna
Jak juz tu jestem to sie wypowiem; mam, dzila, lubie, jestem za. Smrod nie jest
problemem, bo moj box szczelnie sie zamyka, a wystajace boki wsadzonego do
srodka garbage bag dziala nawet jak uszczelka. OK - jak cos sie wrzuca do srodka
to raczej na wdechu, ale i tak te bierzace odpadki najpierw
As thick as two short planks
One slice/two slices short of a sandwich
Not the sharpest tool in the box
Couldn't find his way out of a paper bag
Doesn't have both oars in the water
Dumb as a post
Dumb as a stump
Dumber than a bag of hammers
Dumber than a box of
Nasza firma Bodegas Segui, majaca siedzibe w Hiszpanii (Walencji) dziala od
1915 i zajmuje sie produkcja i dystrybucja win bag-in-box glownie dla
klientow w sektorze hotelarsko - gastronomiczny. Wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem
poszukujemy importerow oraz dystrybutorow pragnacych nawiazac
docg napisał(a):
>-- są na rynku już od dawna
Pewnie tylko dla większych odbiorców (knajpy?), a gdzie ja mogę kupić, bo w
sklepach nie widziałem? I pytam o prawdziwe bag-in-box, a nie wino w kartonie
jak sok.
Niestety nie wiem czy w Polsce można to kupić.
Jest to środek zabezpieczający ręce
A to wersja BOX czy OEM?
"And the man in the rain picked up his bag of secrets,
and journeyed up the mountainside, far above the clouds,
and nothing was ever heard from him again,
except for the sound of Tubular Bells..."
-- Sadze, że sytuacja jest analogiczna do sytuacji we Wloszech. Tam na etykietach VdT nie wolno podawac ani regionu ani rocznika. Podobnie jest z winami pakowanymi do bag in box. To juz z zasady musi byc nazwane winem stołowym
Oczywiście całe to snobistyczne towarzystwo "około-francuskie" kicha i prycha,
na samo wspomnienie bag-in-box, ale podobnie robią z plastikowymi korkami i
zakrętkami. Ich problem, a jak sam piszesz jak się klient uprze (Tesco w UK) to
i "żabojady" zmiękną.
Ciekawe, jakie miały nadzienie!
For all of us who are married, were married, wish you were married, or wish you
weren't married, this is something to smile about the next time you open a box
of chocolates!
Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in
Mam jeszcze pytanie o producenta tych soków oraz o technologię napełniania - bo rozumiem, że opakowanie to "bag-in-box" - mogłabyś rzucić nieco światła na te kwestie?
Soki bez wody i cukru to świetna sprawa ale chciałbym mieć pewność, że w worku oprócz soku nie ma innych dodatków - dzięki za
poprawę jego jakości. Do innych opakowań spotykanych dzisiaj należą opakowania kartonowe Tetra Pak, butelki PET, puszki, opakowania typu bag-in-box.
czy jesli się leci w obrębie "strefy shengen" to są limity na ilość
alkoholu w bagażu?
nie chodzi mi o limit kilogramów na pasażera ;)
btw. czy zabranie wina w opakowaniu "bag-in-the-box" jest dobrym
pomysłem? mam wrażenie, że zmiany ciśnienia moga
spowodować "wycieki"
zazwyczaj biorę
. Minus? brak tego "magicznego" momentu wyciągania korka :)
Podobnie nie należy się bać wina w tzw. Bag in Box.
stairs. Why does he do this?
15.) There are six buns in a bag. You give six children a bun each and find
that you're not left with an empty bag. Why not?
And remember guys that you are doing it just for fun. Its a game, not any
competition. The more answers we have, the more funny it will be
, jeszcze nam nie wciskają opakowań typu bag-in-box, ale pewnie i to
do nas "niemiaszki" wprowadzą.
1. A large bath or beach towel to rest on (stored in a large Ziploc bag).
2. A three ring binder to collect your work throughout the school year.
3. A change of clothes in case of accidents.
4. A daily healthy morning snack (fruit, yogurt, pretzels, crackers, juice, etc.)
W skrócie:
* Spain is in the same deflationary trap as Japan
* Spanish banks are hiding losses
* Spain is in deflation
* Spanish housing is much worse than people think
* Spain is creating zombie banks
* Germany, France, and other European nations will be left holding the Spanish bag
eliszka25 napisała:
> Bo ja od lat poluję na taką torebkę. Jak znajdzie
> sz, to koniecznie daj znać, gdzie!
Jeśli nie masz takiego ograniczenia cenowego, jak w wyjściowym poście, to wiele firm wypuściło mniej czy bardziej udane torebki ?inspirowane? Celine Classic Box bag. Np. te
Noi i jeszcze jedno bag-in-box. Niemal każdy importer w Polsce ma to w ofercie,
z uwagi na gastronomię. Przy czym często są to wina znacznie wyższej klasy niż
stołowe. Po prostu w knajpie można podawać takie wino na kieliszki, bez stresu
ze reszta wina się popsuje, jak to ma miejsce w
After I finished stuccoing part of my barn yesterday with a worker, I took a
walk to the village of Brzozowa to do some food shopping. I noticed a friend
of mine there was sitting in the store grasping a bag of small, 'young'
potatoes in his hands, and asked him where he got them from? He
udzial w promocjach.
Wybor nalezy do Ciebie.
"And the man in the rain picked up his bag of secrets,
and journeyed up the mountainside, far above the clouds,
and nothing was ever heard from him again,
except for the sound of Tubular Bells..."
A big cardboard box stamped "security" materialises. Into it go the laptop
bag and writing case.
Look, I need that. No - we're sending this separately to Auckland, they say,
refusing any explanation. They then seal the box with blue tape
marked "security" and put in on the conveyor
zachowuje dzięki pakowaniu w worek Bag-in-box.
Specjalny zawór pozwala na wielokrotne dozowanie soku, bez dostępu powietrza do wewnątrz, zabezpieczając go przed zepsuciem.
Tak się ostatnio zastanawiam, czy mogłabym podawać taki sok mojej dwuletniej córce, czy jest on odpowiedni dla małych dzieci? Na
in morning.
Grace personified.
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
Blur of motion, then-
silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?
You're always typing.
Well, let's see you ignore my
sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box.
You cannot see me if I
can just hide my
near post.
Then in the 42cnd minute Halenar snatched the opener after Vascak took advantage of a static Celtic defence. This time it was left-back Mo Camara who found himself on the wrong side of his man and Vascak, who had looked dangerous throughout the half, cut into the box and sent a ball
instalacji systemu) i
wszystko bedzie dzialac.
"And the man in the rain picked up his bag of secrets,
and journeyed up the mountainside, far above the clouds,
and nothing was ever heard from him again,
except for the sound of Tubular Bells..."
OEM - tylko przez
sprzedawce tzn. Ty mowisz sprzedawcy co jest nie tak a sprzedawca dzwoni do
Microsoftu i referuje im problem a potem odpowiada Tobie). Jesli jest to wersja
BOX to bezposrednio do Microsoftu (0-801-308-801).
"And the man in the rain picked up his bag of secrets,
chłopaki dowiedzą się co zrobił Sarze i matce LJa. A i psy Kima będą go tropić
tak długo aż go dopadną. No, ale chwała mu za wyciągnięcie ręki do Micha i
Linca w newralgicznym momencie. :PP P.S. Jak on może na matkę swoich dzieci
mówić "bitch"? :> :P
T-Bag przegina. Wygląda na to, że skasował
in a new innovative bag opening up as a
box and is targeted at loyal users as well as gift seekers. The collection
contains five mini sprays in 7.5ml: Dior Addict 2 EDT, Dune EDT, Diorissimo
EDT, Pure Poison EDP, Dolce Vita EDT. Pricing: €42/US$49/JPY5,900."
- olejek i woda z
poszukać po centralach zaopatrujących zakłady w artykuły bhp.
Wiem że są jeszcze inne produkty linii
to jest zestaw 50 NOWYCH ksiazek :)
There Was a Crocked Man, The Three Wishes, The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, -
The Tortoise and the Eagle, The Lion and the Mouse, King Midas and the Gold, The Magic Melon,
Little Miss Muffett, How Bear Lost His Tail, The Rabbit's Tale, The Greedy
I was tricking him. He said, "Something is
rotten in the state of Denmark."
Our methods are not working. We need different,
innovative ideas - we need to think outside the box.
If anyone in your audience asks a question about
religion, don't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Mr. Tse will go
Mass protest on Friday 28 Nov outside NAC offices at 13:00
In light of the recent and ongoing NAC debacle, NACSA has called for a
gathering of artists outside the NAC offices in Newtown on Friday 28
November at 13:00. This is the due date for the announcement of the
next funding cycle which
alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
He pulls prayer book out of his sleeping bag
Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag
Waitin' for when the last shall be first and the first shall be
soki Tesco tłoczone typu bag-in-box.
Soki NFC z Tesco w plastikowych litrowych butelkach
smoothies NFC w kartonikach 0,7 i 1L (dział warzywny).
dżem Łowicz 100 % z kawałkami owoców oraz bez
produkty bezglutenowe
przecier pomidorowy Tesco
saszetki owocowe Hippa
into custody, said
Tom Winfrey, spokesman for Los Angeles World Airports. No other information was
immediately available from police.
Screeners spotted the suspicious item in a box as it passed through a scanning
machine for departing passengers, Winfrey said. An upper-level ticketing area
in morning.
Grace personified.
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
Blur of motion, then-
silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?
You're always typing.
Well, let's see you ignore my
sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box.
You cannot see me if I
can just hide my
1. Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than ambulance.
2. Only in America......are there handicap parking places in front of a skating
3. Only in America......do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the
back of the store to get their prescriptions
1. Only in America......can a pizza get to your house faster than ambulance.
2. Only in America......are there handicap parking places in front of a skating
3. Only in America......do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the
back of the store to get their prescriptions
Bible College of Victoria, The
P.O. Box 380
Lilydale, Vic. , 3140 Austrailia
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+61 3 9735 0011
Fax: 011+61-3-97350721
The M.A. (Theol) is a course work degree to provide graduates in theology,
especially those involved in Christian ministry, the
in abundance in his spring collection.
The rectangular, heavy-glass fragrance bottle has a bottom resembling waves
of turquoise glass, with a silver-tone plate with the Island moniker on the
side. The outer box is of turquoise linen with a silver-tone plate denoting
the scent name
> On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only.
> As
> opposed to use in outer space.)
> On a Japanese food processor: Not to be used for the other use. (Now I'm
> s.)
> On Sainsbury's peanuts: Warning: contains nuts. (but
The phylogenetic analysis shows that the proteins in prokaryotes have from the beginning to have a strictly fixed conformation. Prokaryotes, one bag for everything, if the conformation of the protein would not be fixed from the beginning, it would fall together in a collision. In eukaryotes, where
Updated February 26, 2002
JTF-160 arrived in Naval Base Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) January 6, 2002. The task
force is under the command of Marine Brigadier General Michael Lehnert,
Commanding General, 2d Force Service Support Group, Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Approximately 1,700 U.S. service members and
actions need to be considered for quick relief and control. 1. A good vacuum
cleaning job may remove particles from cracks and crevices to encourage greater
insecticide penetration. Discard vacuum cleaner bag in a sealed plastic bag
when finished.2. Use a space spray to penetrate an infested area
's population, okay?
That means that while we're taping, please do not ride your scooter in
the background or keep doing the 'Wassup' thing. Thanks.
Third: Food. I bought a box of Dairymilk chocolates recently, clearly
wrote "Ossy" on the front, and put it on the top shelf. Today
watched her packing her bag, and she must have put about
100 condoms in there, and she doesn't even have a penis!"
In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through
1. On Sears hairdryer:
"Do not use while sleeping."
(Gee, that's the only time I have to work on
Signature Selection £59.95
The Purist £19.95
Turkish Delight £17.95
Goody bag of the Season £19.95
Amaretto Almond Apricots £17.97
Amaretto Sultanas £17.97
Bananas soaked in rum
- gdzie się zatrzymasz - jaka kwota pieniędzy
dysponujesz - I came becouse I want to visit interesting places in Britain. -
I'm going to stay in my friends house. - I have 100 euro. 5. Zgubiłeś torbę
podróżna na dworcu w Nowym Yorku. Udajesz sie do biura rzeczy znalezionych. -
Opisz torbę - Dowiedz
. Muraki3,30, S. Nakamura3,30, C.
Okada3,30, K. Ohnishi3,34, N. J. Rattenbury3,28, T. Sako3,30, S. Sato3,35,
M. Sasaki3,30, T. Sekiguchi3,30, D. J. Sullivan3,33, P. J. Tristram3,32, P.
C. M. Yock3,32 and T. Yoshioka3,30
Top of page
In the favoured core-accretion model of formation of planetary
a camera go bad. The DSC-T1
is sitting in a plastic bag ready to be donated to an artist friend who likes
to tear apart electronics, glue the pieces together in weird ways, spray with
glitter, and sell at local art galleries.
Then last week, out of a clear blue sky, I get an email from
- Sound Of Love.mp3
Belinda Carlisle - Circle In The Sand.mp3
Belinda Carlisle - La Luna.mp3
Big Brovaz - Nu Flow.mp3
Billy More - Up & Down.mp3
Black Box - Strike It Up (Original Remix).mp3
Blank & Jones - Cream.mp3
Blue - All Rise.mp3
Blue - One Love.mp3
Blue System - Laila.mp3
packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body. (But wouldn't that save more time?) (Whose body?)
On sleep aid: Warning: may cause drowsiness. (One would hope!)
On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only. (As
opposed to use in outer space.)
On a Japanese
A range of five created using the smells from the leaves of plants. 50ml spray
in a green box.
Black tea mixed with zest of bergamot, rose petals, cedar wood and absolute
Lily of the valley broken up with freesia, green syringa and buds of dog rose
I hit the snooze button one too many times
Magic trick gone horribly wrong
Subtly farting in a crowded elevator
Trapped under something heavy
surprise, everyone lies,
like the fox on the rocks,
and the musical box.
Oh, there's Mum & Dad, and good and bad,
and everyone's happy to be here.
There's Winston Churchill dressed in drag,
he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag.
The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick, the
marks from burns or rubbed-off skin or something.
Imagine where it all came from. And with Golota, the fun is in imagining the
worst. Remember the riot after he was disqualified for hitting Riddick Bowe
below the belt? Remember when it all happened again in the rematch? Remember
when he quit
. Disclosure, Michael Crichton
1 9 9 5
1. The Rainmaker, John Grisham
2. The Lost World, Michael Crichton
3. Five Days in Paris, Danielle Steel
4. The Christmas Box, Richard Paul Evans
5. Lightning, Danielle Steel
6. The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield
7. Rose Madder