as sweet as sugar

Restauracja As

Klasyczna restauracja oferująca domowe dania kuchni polskiej. wielkopolskie Słodków Kolonia Słodków Kolonia 68C 62-700

Restauracja Dwa Asy

Restauracja Dwa Asy, działająca w Poznaniu - Junikowie, to lokal o ciekawej ofercie kulinarnej. Do dyspozycji gości restauracja oddaje również parking i przytulny ogródek. wielkopolskie Poznań Malwowa 11b 60-175

Restauracja as Bohuna

Restauracja as Bohuna specjalizuje się w organizacji wesel, jednak każdy może przyjść i skosztować specjałów tradycyjnej kuchni polskiej i międzynarodowej. dolnośląskie Strzegom Paderewskiego 1 58-150

As - Alina Waszak

Restauracje kujawsko-pomorskie Radziejów Toruńska 3 88-200

Ir As Ireneusz Adamowski

Restauracje kujawsko-pomorskie Bydgoszcz Dworcowa 6 85-010


...i no wanna climb no walls... Real Sugar... ..that's what I want no at all.. Real Sugar... ..sweet as sweet can be... ..SO,...Gimmie, Gimmie!!.......Real Sugar...;)))) tygrysek...

Fenomen kawy jest taki, że ...

musi być sweet as sugar. :) -- Nawet najokrutniejsze zwierze zna uczucie litości, ja go nie znam, a więc nie jestem zwierzęciem.

Re: Artysci wymieniani w textach utworow

"you sing as bad as ringo star, a mega star you want to be" natural born hippies, "them all" -- "coffee, a little bit of cream, no sugar because i'm already too sweet" (ryan adams)

Re: Ałła Pugaczowa - teledysk..:))))) Ta strona powinna umilić wszystkim chwile senności w upalne dni w pracy... proszę sprawdzić wszystkie sekcje, bo w każdej są zdjęcia! Pozdrawiam Góró -- Real sugar, sweet as a sweet can be Real

Re: Twarda, gdzie ten twój konik

Czytam o tym tylko po angielsku i mam problemy, kiedy rozmowa jest po polsku :) All carbohydrates are made up of units of sugar ("saccharride"). Carbohydrates containing only one unit of sugar (called "monosaccharides") or two sugar units of sugar (called "disaccharides") are known as simple

Re: śliwki kalifornijskie - do Ampoliona

prunes, are sweet and require very little, if any, sugar. The Oregon prunes, also known as Italian prunes, are tart and are generally improved by the addition of considerable sugar. The Oregon prunes are especially liked by the Jewish people and by the people of Southern Europe. (A limited


+ wozdat + yeah + funky, funky + wa-wait a minute Groovy, groovy, jazzy, funky, house, house, dance as we dip in for melodic scene, rhythm keeps flowing, drips're O.C., deep sugar-pop, sugar-pop, roxy pop, you don't stop till the sweet beats drops.... brace yourself as the beat hits 'ya. Dip

read it ;)

there is a lot of glucose, as in sugar, in semen?". "That's correct," responded the professor going on to add statistical info. Raising her hand again, she asked, "Then why doesn't it taste sweet?" After a stunned silence the whole class burst out laughing. The poor girl's face turned bright red

i jeszcze

a propos chalwa kontra chalwa--przepisane z ksiazki kucharskiej: there are basically two types of halva in Greece One type is made from sesame paste (tahini), glucose, sugar and pistachio nuts. You can eat it any time of tghe day as a sweet, dessert or snack, with coffee or tea. You can

Re: Nietypowy wątek kulinarny

Pumpkins that are still small and green may be eaten in the same way as summer squash or zucchini. In the Middle East, pumpkin is used for sweet dishes; a well-known sweet delicacy is called halawa yaqtin. In the Indian subcontinent, pumpkin is cooked with butter, sugar, and spices in a dish called

Re: Hallowen czyli ozdoby z dyni

CARAMEL CORN Caramel corn is a confection made of popcorn covered in caramel or molasses, creating a sweet, crunchy treat. Mixes of caramel corn often contain nuts, like peanuts or almonds. Certain types of caramel corn are made with a white sugar-based caramel rather than the traditional brown

Re: Dlaczego katoliczki jedzą karpia w święta?

Gastronomique. As a rule, the Jews of Poland liked their food sweeter than did Jews elsewhere, and this holds true for gefilte fish as well; by the middle of the 19th century, Polish gefilte fish was primarily sweetened with sugar. David and Diane Roskies have speculated that this variation may correlate

Re: Świętego Marcina - na stół rogal i gęsina

often prepared for picnics or as travel food. Both types share the same name (French/Portuguese: "croissant") but are typically found in different bakeries: the sweet croissant is more commonly found in Portuguese pâtisseries and the brioche croissant is usually found in coffeehouses.

Re: Barwniki naturalne

'30": A tu jest fragment "Królewskiego ciastkarza Paryża" M. A. Careme'a, poświęcony barwieniu cukru, albo mleczka migdałowego: --- SECT. XIII.—TO COLOUR ALMONDS, AND COARSE AND POUNDED SUGAR. To colour Almonds. AFTER chopping some sweet almonds very fine, or cutting them in fillets or

Re: ciepłe miejsce

the icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane, S is for the stocking hanging on the chimney wall, T is for the toys beneath the tree so tall, M is for the misletoe where everyone is kissed, A is for the angels who make up the christmas list, S is for the santa who makes every kid his pet, Be good


RECIPES • “AFFOGATO AL CAFFÈ” Cover the bottom of a glass compote with sweet cocoa in powder, then put the equivalent of two spoons of vanilla ice

pie/tarta - duża (Eng.)

Coconut-Rum Sweet Potato Pie From Cooking Light 1 (9-inch) unbaked Cream Cheese Piecrust 2 cups mashed cooked sweet potato (about 1 1/4 pounds) 1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar 1/4 cup 2% reduced-fat milk 2 tablespoons dark rum 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon

Wąchałem. Są przedziwne:-))

. Trochę to naiwnie i dziecinnie, hehe. Niespodziewanie podobają mi się motylki:-))) Koncepcja: The ritual of SWEET: what is sweet, who is sweet, how sweet or not sweet can sweet be:-) The myriad dimensions of SWEET as personified by the varied guests at an imaginery tea party in some

Re: Why do Brits drink tea with milk?

LOL circus size!!! It is an interesting point that you have raised: drinking black tea is definately better for your health as it improves the ability of the arteries to relax and thus expand and keep blood pressure healthy. In Hong Kong dai pai dong milk tea is very popular-this is

Re: jak zrobić dobra surówkę do hot-dogów??

-made variety does not contain capers, but finely-chopped cabbage and pickled cucumber, fair amounts of sugar and hints of mustard, cayenne, coriander and onion, and turmeric for color. The herbs are replaced by herbal essences, e.g. tarragon vinegar. Starch, gelatin or milk protein may be added as thickeners

Re: Najslodsze jablka? Ktore? Fuji?

Zdaje sie ze roznica pomiedzy apple sauce i apple butter jest ze ten pierwszy robi sie z woda, a drugi z apple cider. Znalazlam taki przepis na epicurious SWEET AND

Re: Jestem beznadziejna... i załamana :(((

step in this therapy is to absolutely avoid all refined carbohydrates including bread, pasta and sugar, as well as most sweet foods such as maple syrup and fruit juices, while any allergic symptoms are present. The diet should be rhythmical, that is you should eat three meals a day with no snacks

A scent of a woman (ang.)

smells like the freshest lemon-cake batter. Ever. Narciso Rodriguez's For Her smells like talcum powder and confectioner's sugar sprinkled over slightly unripe plums sitting on an aluminum plate. It was co- created by the perfumer Francis Kurkdjian, who earmarked it as feminine and yet made it

Vertical Petrusa i nie tylko ;-)

sugar, coffee beans, tobacco and sweet English licorice. There are lots of minerals as well. Multi layered and extremely concentrated. The taste is full bodied and sweet with immense power and purity. Very elegant – and it has a delicate mineral character. The aftertaste is soft and

Re: Łopian

carrot, braised with soy sauce, sugar, mirin and/or sake, and sesame oil. Another is burdock makizushi (rolled sushi filled with pickled burdock root; the burdock root is often artificially colored orange to resemble a carrot). In Kyoto, gobō can also be found as a snack food similar to potato chips

Re: Ser mascarpone

Gość portalu: bb napisał(a): > Jak ten ser użyć do przygotowania TIRAMISU ? robie b. podobnie, zamiast marsala wine polewam amaretto, khalua 3 large eggs, separated 3/4 cup sugar 1 (8-oz) container mascarpone cheese (1 scant cup) 1/2 cup chilled heavy cream 2 cups very strong

Re: piosenki o kopalni soli po angielsku

At one point, this was our most-played song and by probable estimate the audience's favorite. We don't play it so much anymore, but it's still got some of my (Andy's) favorite lyrics. I actually handed the lyrics in as a poem in a class, and the teacher hated it -- he

Re: Twin Peaksowe cherry pie ;)

pie Double scotch on the rocks (two of them) Coffee with creme and sugar Black coffee (black as midnight on a moonless night) Fish Short stack of griddle cakes, slightly heated, butter, slice of ham Local mushrooms Huckleberry pie, heated, ice cream on the side Weenie roast Ice cube Diet

mity Dziękczynienia

cranberries were served, they would have been used for their tartness or color, not the sweet sauce or relish so common today. In fact, it would be 50 more years before berries were boiled with sugar and used as an accompaniment to meat. Potatoes weren't part of the feast, either. Neither the sweet

Re: bojkot coca coli

broken bones today." Soft drinks have many adverse health effects, and may be factors in a wide range of ailments including obesity, osteoporosis, tooth decay, heart disease, kidney stones and caffeine addiction. Some kind of Coca-Cola contains Monsanto's NutraSweet in stead of sugar. Coca

Re: exaggeration

is sweet icluding bread. it takes a serious search to > find a loaf without the word HONEY headlinimg it. > well, bread is all carbohydrates, so it really does not matter if it contains small amounts of honey or not. At least as far as the energy intake concerned. After all starch

DOOM - GOTHIC - czyli New Wave of British Death

... Potem był średni "Shades of god" (na którym za to znalazł się mój największy HIT PL "As I die"), aż w końcu nadszedł "ICON". Fenomenalny album, chociaż stylistyczni (i wokalnie!) oddalający się od wcześniejszego kierunku. Później moja fascynacja nieco osłabła, chociaż przesłuchałem jeszcze kolejny

Gwiaździsta pieśń

dla Mamarceli (kapela, co jej niezbyt lubię, ale co mi tam): REM All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star) humming all the way to Reno you've dusted the non believers and challenged the laws of chance now, sweet you were so sugar sweet you may as well have had 'kick me' fastened

Re: Opinie, które zapadły wam w pamięć ?

Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears, skopiowane z Amazona: It was my last class of the semester, and the final exam was worth 30% of our grade. After a late night study session I felt confident, but I had to decide between sleeping in or cooking breakfast. My eyelids chose sleep. My stomach later

Re: Znienawidzony bohater reklamy. GRRR CZ. III :

ta sama muzyka. Cholery dostałam już dawno temu, teraz cierpię na ku...cę. Zabierzcie te dźwięki, błagam! - Reklama Windows 8 z kolejną wku...ającą piosenką 'sweet as sugar and everything nice. OOOOOOOOOOH are you wanna be (...), everything at once.'. Aaaaaaaa! Cholerne reklamy!

Re: kurs TORy & HALVAH

refer specifically to the Jewish variety. The Arabic word halwa is a generic term for candy, or "sweetmeat" in literal translation. It is also sometimes spelt Chalva. Ultimately the word halva comes from the Arabic word halwa; the root word is hilwa meaning sweet. The root word is also the basis for

Slodkosci - kopiuje co dostalam - interesujace

wheelchair! This article saved her life. If it says 'SUGAR FREE' on the label; DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on 'ASPARTAME,' marketed as 'NutraSweet,' 'Equal,' and 'Spoonful.' In the keynote address by the EPA, it was

Prawda, czy mit? (ang.)

diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a 'Ram Ban' (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects for any kind of diseases. Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is

Re: dieta anty grzybowa

* sweet potato * trout * tuna * turkey dark meat * turkey white meat * vinegar (white) * water chestnuts * watermelon * white sugar * whole-wheat flower * winter squash * Worcestershire sauce * yams * yellow crooked neck * zucchini

Re: Vertical Petrusa i nie tylko ;-) cd2

cask. Lots of licorice as well. The wine is full-bodied and complex with great concentration and purity. The taste is very fruit driven and sweet, almost port-like, with lots of dark licorice and tutti frutti scents. Fat and creamy texture. The wine has a power packed sweet aftertaste with a

z WWD:

all their competitors. “It drove them crazy and it drove us crazy,” Snoeren said. “We wanted utopia in a bottle. We wanted it to be classic but revolutionary. We wanted it sweet, but we didn’t like sugar.” But there was never a doubt about having a strong link

Precz z ESTROgenem !

: What are the feminizing substances? Well, plant-derived estrogen. Lack of Vitamin A. Obesity. The young male woofing down a What-Ever-Burger in the commercial is doing two bad things, probably more. One, he is eating estrogen in the hamburger and in the bun. The sauce has sugar and

Re: Na proces pruchnicy sklada sie wiele czynniko

it. Increased risk of tooth decay Factors that increase your risk of tooth decay include: Diet Eating food and drink high in carbohydrates, particularly between meals, will increase your risk of tooth decay. Tooth decay is often associated with sweet and sticky food and drink, such as

W 1993r 1 dol=1 rubel

.oz (half liter) bottled ? $6.66 Wine red, white ? $1.36 Sparkling wine ? $6.95 Car, Soviet make, ZAZ ? $5800 Boxer?s gloves $15.8 City bus $0.08 Flight Moscow-Kazakhstan $106 Small tape recorder, Russian make $160 Levi?s jeans, smuggled, sold at black market $416 Sweet beets $0.10 Sugar (2


. "As the centuries wore on, people began dressing like these dreadful creatures, performing antics in exchange for food and drink. This practice is called mumming, from which the practice of trick-or-treating evolved" (Santino 1982). Although the feast of the dead subsequently became a feast for the

Uwielbiam remuladę :-)

raw egg yolk + salt + sugar + pepper, adding under permanently stirring drop by drop vegetable oil + vinegar in the change, then seasoning with mustard + capers + watered and mashed anchovies + herbs (dill + tarragon) -- 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish 2 teaspoons

Rumi - poeta - mistyka Islamu

and I. The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar as we laugh together, you and I. In one form upon this earth, and in another form in a timeless sweet land. Kulliyat-e Shams, 2114 Ý —

Re: Absinth znacie jakieś drinki?

:-)) 2. Paradise 4 cl Absinth 2 cl Peach-Wodka 2 cl Zitronensaft 2 cl Zitronensirup 3. Sweet heaven 2 cl Castle Cream Whisky 2 cl Absinth 2 cl Peach-Wodka 2 cl Kaffeesahne 4. Hell on fire 2 cl Castle Cream Whisky 2 cl Rum

A to definicje

running of the race but in flipping and catching the pancake, which must be intact when the finishing line is reached. figgy pudding - a rich, steamed pudding containing dried fruit, especially figs, spices an often brandy, served as a part of Christmas dinner. Shrove Tuesday - The last day

Re: Hallowen czyli ozdoby z dyni

1880s and became popular as a treat in the 1920s. Candy pumpkins first were produced in mid 20th century using a process similar to that of candy corn. Corn syrup, food coloring, honey, and sugar are beat and heated in large kettles to produce an ultra-sweet syrup. This slurry generically is called

Re: ban mian

noodles from clumping together into a sticky mess. The first pot of boiling water cooks the noodles. It also ?rids? the noodles of some of their alkalinity (from the alkaline water with which some wheat noodles are made) as well as the flour that sometimes coats certain types of noodles. The cold

dziecinnieje na starość

the biggest shrimp and sugar cane, the finest oysters and sweet strawberries from Toledo Bend to New Orleans; You are my sunshine, My only sunshine. You make me happy When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. -- I

Bezpieczenstwo w USA - wojny gangow w IDAHO :)

been made in that slaying. For more than a century, Caldwell has been a hub for one of the most agriculturally productive counties in the nation. Hops, onions, potatoes, beans, sugar beets and hybrid sweet-corn are grown here. Thanks to a booming state economy, Caldwell's population has

Re: Zaproszenie na drinka

with crushed ice before straining the cocktail. If you can't find cream of coconut, you can use coconut cream?just be sure to add sugar or simple syrup, to taste, to compensate for the lack of sweetness. However, try to avoid the coconut milk in cartons, as it tends to be a little too runny for shaken

Re: Kuchenne rewolucje

with crushed ice before straining the cocktail. If you can't find cream of coconut, you can use coconut cream?just be sure to add sugar or simple syrup, to taste, to compensate for the lack of sweetness. However, try to avoid the coconut milk in cartons, as it tends to be a little too runny for shaken

Re: Mądre Diety Gazety - sprawdź, jakie diety prz

14Superfoods by Steven G. Pratt, M.D.,and Kathy Matthews *Beans - SIDEKICKS: All beans such as pinto, navy, Great Northern, lima, garbanzo (chickpeas), lentils, green beans, sugar snap peas, and green peas TRY TO EAT: a least four 1/2-cup servings per week - Low-fat protein. Fiber

Re: Ciężkie czasy dla łakomczuchów...

14SuperFoods by Steven G. Pratt, M.D.,and Kathy Matthews *Beans - SIDEKICKS: All beans such as pinto, navy, Great Northern, lima, garbanzo (chickpeas), lentils, green beans, sugar snap peas, and green peas TRY TO EAT: a least four 1/2-cup servings per week - Low-fat protein. Fiber

Monsanto - Imperium Zła

unscientific and contradictory rationale that was used to dismiss significant problems. Among the problems discovered in rats that ate the corn: Kidney inflammation Liver and kidney lesions Increased blood sugar levels Reactions that mimic cancer, allergies, anemia and poor blood pressure


Zamieszczam piosenki z reklam po to aby wszystko było uporządkowane :-) 7 Days : Opm - "Heaven Is A Halfpipe" opis: Reklama rogalika 7 days 'z majteczkami' ;) *** Algida : Safri Duo - "Played-A-Live" *** Alpen Gold : The Beloved - "Sweet Harmony" *** Alpen Gold

była kiedyś taka piosenka

the place where armchair generals and quarterbacks can experience first hand the excitement of video warfare as the theme song is sung in the background Sugar sweet sitcoms that leave us with a bad actor taste while pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars You saw the video You heard

A jak jest z tymi Gangami ?

century, Caldwell has been a hub for one of the most agriculturally productive counties in the nation. Hops, onions, potatoes, beans, sugar beets and hybrid sweet-corn are grown here. Thanks to a booming state economy, Caldwell's population has jumped 16 percent in the past four years after

Re: Czyj to kawałek (na play liście w TOK FM) ?

Jojo Effect - The Beat Goes On Jose Gonzalez – Heartbeats Joseph Malik - Take It All In And Check It All Out Kad - Come as You are Kapitan Da - Il Fait Mauvais Kapitan Da – Sliding Karen Ramirez - Looking for Love Karrin Allyson - Samba Saravah Kasia Nosowska - Nerwy i wiktorianscy

Re: Rock top 200

Dead (1986)-The Smiths 59. Ok Computer (1997)-Radiohead 60. Axis Bold As Love (1967)-Jimi Hendrix 61. The Stone Roses (1989)-Stone Roses 62. Bridge Over Troubled Water (1970)-Simon And Garfunkel 63. Bat Out Of Hell (1977)-Meat Loaf 64. Automatic For The People (1992)-R.E.M. 65. This Year